Gem de prune pentru Provocarea "Dulce Romanie" a lunii august 2011
Provocarea Dulce Romanie a lunii august 2011 este gazduita de Gaby pe blogul Papa Bun si are ca ingrediente PRUNA si PUIUL.
Pui am mai gatit si voi mai gati tot timpul anului, dar acuma e sezonul prunelor.
Desi nu am prea multe poze, m-am gandit sa va prezint gemul de prune facut de mama.
~for enghlish scroll down :)
~ materia prima din gradina noastra
250-300 g zahar (depinde de dulceata prunelor si noua nu ne plac gemurile prea dulci)
la 1 kg de prune fierte (adica mai intai fierbem fructele fara zahar doua zile la rand sau pana cand scade zeama si se ingroasa putin, abia apoi a treia zi adaugam zaharul si mai fierbem pana se topeste de tot si gemul ajunge la consistenta dorita)
~ prima tura de gem (miercuri, doar doua poze)
~ a doua tura de gem:
* ziua 1 : prunele puse la fiert fara zahar, timp de vreo 5-6 ore, sa-si lase zeama de la sine
* ziua 2 : iarasi la fiert, tot fara zahar
* ziua 3 de fiert, adaugat zahar, fiert inca putin si apoi borcaneala nepozate din cauza caldurii din bucatarie. Dupa ce umplem borcanele cu gem fierbinte, le sigilam cu capace, apoi le bagam intre paturi la dunstuit, unde vor sta cam doua zile sau pana cand se racesc.
PS: nu stiu ce se intampla in seara asta cu photobucket sau cu blogspot de nu-mi afiseaza imaginea ci codul. sper sa-si revina :(
My mom's plum jam made with plums from our garden
250-300 g sugar (depending on sweetness of plums and because we do not like too sweet jams)
for each kg of boiled plums (meaning first cook fruits without sugar two days in a row or until it reduces and thickens slightly, then the third day add sugar and cook stirring until all the sugar melts and the jam reaches the desired consistency)
~ First batch of jam (only two pictures)
~ Second batch of jam:
* Day 1: plums without sugar boiled for 5-6 hours to let the juices run out.
* Day 2: put to boil again, without sugar.
* Day 3: add sugar and cook stirring until all the sugar melts and the jam reaches the desired consistency. After filling the jars with hot jam, seal them with lids, then put the hot jars between blankets, where they will stay about two days or until cool.
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